Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Does Your Car Color Describe You?

It’s no secret what the most popular car colors are. Every time we drive down the highway or enter a parking lot, we can see that the overwhelming majority of cars on the road today are neutral colors: white, black, silver, and grey. According to studies, white is the most popular color overall in the United States (although black is making quite a comeback), while silver is the most popular worldwide. So what does this say about us as a nation? And what does your car color say about you?

Surprisingly, nothing. Although it would seem that our overwhelming preference for neutral colors shows a lack of creativity and style, it is actually a better representation of our practicality. Cars are an expensive purchase, and unlike clothing and accessories that we can throw in the back of our closets when they go out of style, we have to live with our car purchases for years.

Another reason that bland, non-colors such as white, black, and grey do not necessarily mean that we are boring when it comes to cars is the different shades that have become available. The bright colors of white we currently see are different from those we saw 50 years ago, and black finishes today are much more dramatic than they used to be.

However, car manufacturers do have the technology to develop high-impact colors that will make a statement, but they are not so easy to mass-produce, and nobody knows how popular they will be. So while we don’t know what the future will hold, it seems for now, the neutral colors are here to stay.

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