Tuesday, October 11, 2011

10-minute Car Charger Developed by Nissan

One of the biggest complaints about the electric cars that are being developed is that it takes too long for the cars to be recharged. Nissan has been working to develop a new charger that will significantly reduce that time.

Nissan, whose Leaf is one of the most popular electric cars on the market, has the necessary technology to create an electric car charger that can fully charge an electric car in about 10 minutes. This would be a significant improvement over the current eight hours it takes to charge most electric car batteries.

Nissan has been working with Japan's Kansai University on the creation of this new development. The batteries that were charged in the early testing of the new charger showed no significant effect on storage capacity or voltage.

This breakthrough not only would make it more efficient to charge an electric car, but it could also improve the sale of electric cars across the world. If consumers has the available technology to charge their cars in 10 minutes, it would make the purchase of an electric car more appealing to them.

This technology could take up to ten years to fully develop and commercialize here in the United States. However, Nissan is set to begin setting up similar chargers in Japan this November. This charger would be compatible with all of Nissan's electric vehicles as well as other vehicles produced by companies like Honda or Toyota.

While it may take a great amount of time before we see this type on technology in the United States, it is still refreshing to know that developments and progress are being made today.

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