Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Why So Many Recalls?

It seems like lately every time you turn on the news everyday there are more car manufacturers recalling at least one of their vehicles. With the continuing release of more and more recalls the question has to be asked; why are cars that are supposed to be safer seeming to be more dangerous? Though the cars do have problems; consumer knowledge and world-wide spread news are some of the biggest factors in creating recalls. Consumers today have higher expectations and are much more aware of potential safety issues. Problems in cars are more likely to be reported and in order to avoid any problems or accusations of trying to hide something car manufacturers have found it’s safer to simply recall the “problematic” vehicles. After Toyota was accused of “dragging its feet” with reference to all of its recent recalls other manufacturers are willingly recalling any vehicle that may cause problems. The government’s legal system “encourages companies to recall products proactively instead of waiting for something to go wrong.”

What do all of these recalls mean for the automotive industry? Absolutely nothing. The automotive industry is not going to suffer from all of the recent recalls. Today’s cars are still safer than any in the past and most manufacturers are just being cautious. Quality standards in the industry have improved as well as industry regulation. The reality is that recalls are normal; according to the Consumer Union; “virtually every car has at least one recall.” This is due to the components and systems in newer cars that change with age; and since vehicles are lasting longer than ever it is only natural that they component could potentially cause problems in the future. But manufacturers cannot wait 10 or 15 years to introduce a new system into the market simply to see how it ages. Chances are taken and occasionally there are problems. But today’s cars are still the safest on the road.

If you have a car on the recall list take it to the dealer, let them fix the problem and then be on your way.Once manufacturers find a problem they are quick to find the solution. There are many current Toyota owners who remain loyal to Toyota despite all of its recalls. Ultimately what is most important is how the manufacturer handles the problem for the consumer

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