Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Chevy Achieves Highest Brand Share in 20 Years

General Motor Co. has recently reported that Chevrolet cars are outselling trucks, SUVs, and other vehicle types. The brand share for sedans, midsize cars, and compacts peaked at just over 50 percent for the month of June (3rd month in a row) and analysts are citing the public’s desire for more efficient transport as the reason. If this trend continues, Chevy cars will attain the highest sales ratio in 20 years, nearly matching the 52 percent set in May, June, and July of 1991.

“You’ll see continued strength in passenger cars, particularly in the compact and mid-car segments. We have been a very, very strong trucks brand and frankly have under-performed in cars. It’s as simple as that. You have to go back a long way to a car performance this strong,” remarked VP of sales and service for Chevrolet, Alan Batey.

As consumers demand more and more fuel efficiency, car makers are looking toward smaller vehicles as saviors. With plans to release the new Chevy Sonic subcompact in the fall and increased improvements to the already popular Cruze and Malibu, car sales may remain augmented. All things considered there is equal optimism that truck sales will rebound given Chevrolet’s storied past.

“Although the cars will remain robust and strong, I expect the trucks will come back somewhat in the second half of the year,” Batey prophesized. General Motors speculates that, based on current numbers, they will sell 120,000 more vehicles than last year through the first six months of the year.

With the recession slowly dying, it seems that Chevy has positioned themselves nicely to begin making up for lost sales by creating an mpg-friendly lineup of mid-sized and sub compact cars.

Check out the full lineup of Chevrolet cars here

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