Thursday, August 4, 2011

New Toyota Technology Will Steer Car Away From an Accident

Toyota views the realization of a society that places utmost importance on traffic safety and mobility as one of its top management priorities and holds it to its core guiding principle of supplying safe products. With this idea in mind, Toyota has introduced some ground breaking technologies.

One of the new features is the Emergency-Response Technology which can detect driver’s health condition from their grip on the steering wheel.

The wheel will be equipped with optical and cardiovascular sensors which monitor the driver’s physical conditions constantly. If it senses something is wrong it will sound a warning and advise the driver to get to a doctor.

Another great feature Toyota is implementing is its millimeter wave radar system that will detect if there is an obstacle on the road to prevent any crashing. It will include a camera to locate the objects in the driving path and regulate automobile’s motion.

When a Toyota is equipped with this technology, the car will detect pedestrians and it will sound an alarm alerting him of a person in its path. If there is no change in the speed, the car takes control and stops. When the car is heading to a stop, the seat belt automatically tightens and brakes are applied.

Currently this system is being tested in Toyota’s luxury line Lexus with other cars to be tested soon.

As one of the companies that always strives to be safe, Toyota is constantly learning from real world crashes and always striving to enhance the quality of products and services it offers. With the addition of these safety technologies it is bound to be a top pick of consumers.

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